Public Speaking Training Given to Pesanggrahan RPTRA Caretakers
Reported by TP Moan Simanjuntak | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
It is aimed to improve communication skills of RPTRA caretakers
It is carried out by Pesanggarahan Sub-district in cooperation with corporate social responsibility (CSR) from University of Pembangunan Jaya, Bintaro.
Pesanggrahan Sub-district Head, Mohammad Fajar said, currently, in Pesanggrahan Sub-district area, there are eight RPTRAs. Each RPTRA has caretaker with different educational background. In addition, most visitors are varied, like age, education, work, religion, etc.
Council Requested Optimized Job Training For Youth"It is aimed to improve communication skills of RPTRA caretakers," he expressed, Friday (1/5).
Communication Studies Program of University of Pembangunan Jaya Lecturer, Reni Dyanasari, expressed communication skills of RPTRA caretakers should be better in improving service to visitors.
"This is because, the activities in RPTRA are in direct contact with the people. So effective communication skills are needed," she said.
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